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Unexplained weight loss workup - undetermined weight loss workup

01-02-2017 à 08:57:52
Unexplained weight loss workup

, Brooke Grove Foundation, Sandy Spring, Maryland Am Fam Physician. D. Medications that may cause nausea and vomiting, dysphagia, dysgeusia and anorexia have been implicated. e. Your health care provider may suggest changes in your diet and an exercise program depending on the cause of your weight loss. Do you have occasional uncontrollable hunger with palpitations, tremor, and sweating. You have lost more than 10 pounds (4. Has the weight loss occurred quickly or slowly. To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. 5 kilograms) OR 5% of your normal body weight over 6 to 12 months or less without knowing the reason. GRACE BROOKE HUFFMAN, M. Unintentional weight loss is loss of 10 pounds (4. Do you have any dental problems or mouth sores. Unintentional weight loss in the elderly patient can be difficult to evaluate. Accurate evaluation is essential, however, because this problem is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Call your health care provider if: You or a family member loses more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height. A specific cause is not identified in approximately one quarter of elderly patients with unintentional weight loss.

Evaluating and Treating Unintentional Weight Loss in the Elderly. You have other symptoms along with the weight loss. Polypharmacy can cause unintended weight loss, as can psychotropic medication reduction (i. 1, 2 When a patient has multiple medical problems and is taking several medications, the differential diagnosis of unintentional weight loss can be extensive. A reasonable work-up includes tests dictated by the history and physical examination, a fecal occult blood test, a complete blood count, a chemistry panel, an ultrasensitive thyroid-stimulating hormone test and a urinalysis. Do you have increased thirst or are you drinking more. Unexplained weight loss is a decrease in body weight, when you did not try to lose the weight on your own. Consequences of Weight Loss Pathophysiology Differential Diagnosis Evaluation Evaluation in the Long-Term Care Facility Treatment Final Comment References Elderly patients with unintentional weight loss are at higher risk for infection, depression and death. Are you pleased or concerned with the weight loss. You will be asked questions about your medical history and symptoms, including: How much weight have you lost. The leading causes of involuntary weight loss are depression (especially in residents of long-term care facilities), cancer (lung and gastrointestinal malignancies), cardiac disorders and benign gastrointestinal diseases. Upper gastrointestinal studies have a reasonably high yield in selected patients. , by unmasking problems such as anxiety). Management is directed at treating underlying causes and providing nutritional support. 5 kilograms) OR 5% of your normal body weight over 6 to 12 months or less, and you do not know the reason. Do you have more stress or anxiety than usual. Consequences of Weight Loss Pathophysiology Differential Diagnosis Evaluation Evaluation in the Long-Term Care Facility Treatment Final Comment References Article Sections. The health care provider will do a physical exam and check your weight.

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